natural remedy dog ear infection
Apple Cider Vinegar Ears

8 Natural Remedies For Dog Ear Infections

Today we’ll learn how to solve your dog’s ear infections with natural remedies you can use at home and also how you can continue to prevent further dog infections.

Does your dog constantly scratch or rub its ears? It could be a red flag signaling an ear infection, an ailment most dogs have at one time or another.

The problem is more common during the summer months.

Ear Infection Symptoms

If your dog is suffering from an ear infection, some of the prominent signs and symptoms include constantly scratching the ears, wiping or rubbing the ears on the floor, shaking the head, a foul odor or discharge from the ears, redness and swelling.

You may also notice flaky skin and loss of hair around the ears. In some cases, there can even be hearing loss.

Causes of Ear Infections

Keep in mind, when we discuss the best dog ear infection remedies we’re not necessarily talking about medicine. Indeed, our purpose is ultimately to demonstrate the things that you can do to prevent the need for medication.

The most likely causes are bacterial or yeast infections, ear mite infestations and sometimes food allergies. Though your dog’s ears have a natural defense mechanism to fend off foreign bodies, no system works perfectly at all times.

Beware Inflammation & ear wax buildup: This is often the first precursor to infection because inflammation causes the immune response where your pet’s body must go into flight mode, and this weakens their resistance and when it’s chronic leads to infection.

There are several reasons that inflammation can occur in your pet’s ears, but the main ones are listed here: Wax build up. Depending on the breed of your dog, they may have a little ear wax or an astronomical amount.

Whichever the case, this is a breeding ground for germs and infection.

Extra Caution: Does your dog like water? Be especially careful!
Particular breeds that love water actually produce more wax like retrievers and they should be watched carefully for build up. Smaller dogs like poodles and spaniels can still produce large amounts as well.

Beware Allergies & Moisture: Allergic responses can be provoked by many things including the environment, household and external, foods, shampoos and more. Allergic responses are actually immune responses and can lead to inflammation throughout your pet’s body.

The ears are a prime target if they have other contributing factors like wax buildup and moisture. Moist ears: Moist ears are a breeding ground for many issues, including susceptibility to inflammation and the moist warm environment makes it easy for germs to breed and thrive.

Moisture can easily get into your dog’s ears in humid conditions when bathing and when swimming. Then there’s bacteria from the normal body flora. These are sometimes called non-pathogenic bacteria but they can be just as dangerous.

Staphylococcus or staph is one of the most common and this normally doesn’t cause a problem, but if there’s a breeding ground, warm moist ears or health issues such as an immune problem, staff can rise up and cause major problems.

Pathogenic germs from outside, now this type of germ usually comes from something like swimming in lakes or dirty water. The germs don’t normally live in the body, so when they do get into areas where they can breed, they make pets sick.

Then there’s fungus: Yeast the most common fungal problem in dogs is due to yeast. that’s because yeast is normal on the body of mammals. The problems come when yeast gets into a constant warm moist area, like a wet dog’s ear or if the pet is suffering from some type of endocrine or immune system disease.


For your natural approach to dog remedies, there are a number of household items that can come to your aid.

Prevention First

Given that moisture is a primary medium for infection, one of the best home remedies for dog ear infection is to keep ears clean and dry. Some people will use alcohol, but this can actually cause problems.

It can result in drying the internal ear too much and causing itching and irritation. It’s also very likely to burn and make your bed very uncomfortable.

Home Remedy # 1: Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil, used in small concentrations and diluted in carrier oil, can effectively treat your dog�s ear infection. Add 3 drops of tea tree essential oil to 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Thoroughly mix the two oils. Using a dropper put a few drops of the oil blend in your dog�s outer ears. Swab it gently all over the visible part of the ear. Apply once daily for 1 to 2 weeks to heal the infection.

Home Remedy # 2: Lavender/ Lavender is antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory that will clean and accelerate healing while being great for soothing and relaxing your dog at the same time. Get pure lavender oil, mix 10 drops into a cereal sized bowl of warm water, dampen a cloth in a bowl, ring out so it’s not dripping wet and clean out infected ears of grease, oil, particles and mites.

Home Remedy # 3: Colloidal silver. This supplement is an effective antibiotic, antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral so great for yeast to ear infections, You can apply as an ear wash to clean out the ears and then deliver a half dropper into the ear canal to kill ear infections quickly and your dog will shake out the excess and infections have been known to be resolved within 24 hours with this method.

Home Remedy # 4: Apple Cider Vinegar: apple cider vinegar is a blessing for both humans and their dogs. Pour a cup each of distilled water and apple cider vinegar into a spray bottle. Put the nozzle back on the bottle and shake it to mix the ingredients.

Apple cider vinegar mixed with pure water in equal proportions is a great natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic and a champion in the dog ear infection remedies. Spray the solution in your dog’s ears. Use the solution to clean your dog’s ears twice daily for 2 weeks to get rid of the infection.

Cleaning instructions are the same as for lavender.

Home Remedy # 5: Blue Power Treatment Blue power treatment is one of the most effective methods to get rid of ear infections in dogs. Put 2 tablespoons of boric acid powder in a pitcher. Add about 8 oz.

of rubbing alcohol to the boric acid. Stir the solution to thoroughly blend the ingredients. Transfer the solution to a bottle. Mix in gentian violet solution and apply to dog’s infected ears. Repeat the remedy twice daily for 1 to 2 weeks.

Home Remedy # 6: White Vinegar White vinegar, containing acetic acid, can also be effective in treating ear infections in dogs.

Pour a cup of white vinegar into a spray bottle. Add a cup of distilled water to the vinegar. Put the nozzle back on the bottle and shake it to thoroughly mix the liquids. Spray the solution in your dog’s ears.

Apply it twice a day for 1 to 2 weeks.

Home Remedy # 7: Thornit Ear Powder If none of the above remedies work, you can try treating your dog�s ears with a commercial Thornit canker powder. Apply � teaspoon of Thornit powder into your dog�s ears.

Close the ear flaps and gently massage the ears. Applied once daily for 1 week.

Home Remedy # 8: Coconut Oil Coconut oil is a renowned health food and has anti-bacterial and natural healing properties.

Melt the coconut oil into liquid form. Let it cool off a bit before administering it to your dog. Use an eyedropper to put a few drops of the oil in your dog�s ears. Massage gently so that the oil coats the ear canal.

Use it twice daily for 1 to 2 weeks to clear up the infection. Before proceeding, examine your dog�s ears for any sign of broken or cut skin and inflammation. If such cases, do not try to clean the ears or use any home treatment.

Ideally, wait a few days for the inflammation to subside. If the inflammation persists, it is best to consult your vet.

Most of all- prevention is best!

Going forward, here are the three most important things you can do for prevention:

Clean with one of the dog ear infection remedies mentioned above and then dry thoroughly. Seek veterinary treatment, if persistent in case you’re dealing with severe persistent bacteria or runaway yeast overgrowth.

Prevention: Commercial Dog Food & Allergens

And most importantly get rid of the control allergens in your dog’s diet. Commercial pet foods are not as healthful as the pet food manufacturers make them out to be. Now while this may seem strange given that most dogs consume pet food all their lives, but although your dog may appear to live okay on kibble or canned pet food, the truth is that they’re only surviving and not really thriving, as the contents are most likely unsuitable carbohydrate-based ingredients, with high loads of chemical additives.

This combination is very tough on your dog’s system and over time leads to compromised immunity and infections. But it doesn’t need to be an all or nothing diet change to see striking improvement in your dog’s health.

By adding certain extras to your dog’s kibble meals, ear infections can clear up quickly and not return. And it does this without drugs, prescription foods and the associated veterinary costs. Your vet can diagnose and treat if needed but using natural remedies and natural diet for your dog ear infection treatment is always the best option when possible.

This is why there now exists Healthier Kibble Diet s. There are ebooks such as Feed Your Dog Better, to help kibble feeding dog owners reclaim their dog’s health from ear infections that plague so many dogs.

Admittedly there seems to be very little help out there for dog owners feeding a kibble-only diet, so from my 15 years of canine nutrition knowledge, I created a diet that in essence helps you know the right combination of supplements to add as a topper to your dog’s kibble meals, to boost the nutritional content of the food and have them eager to eat their meals every day.

This changes things dramatically for your dog simply by adding some essential extras your dog instinctively knows is good to eat. And once added ear infections begin to heal quickly while other day-to-day chronic health conditions like diarrhea, allergies, skin and cote problems, arthritis and poor digestion begin to fade fast.

And it does this by strengthening your dog’s immune system to speed healing and prevent further infection. It works wonders for dogs with ear infections and within days you’ll notice positive improvements.

This is a great diet for the kibble feeder that actually saves money as veterinary costs are cut in half over time, as proven from over six years of testing. You’ll find a link below in the description to a video explaining more about the healthier kibble diet.

Stop the situation from turning into a never-ending cycle, do the best for your dog and switch their diet up a little with the healthier kibble diet. It provides the perfect opportunity. This not only brings a better quality of life for your dog, now you no longer have to deal with endless trips to the vet, expensive medications and exorbitant vet bills.

In the long run, this greatly increases the quality of life for your dog.

dog home remedy for ear infection

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