dog natural remedies w Apple Cider vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar General Uses For Your Dog

Apple Cider Vinegar has been used by humans for thousands of years to treat everything from acne to dandruff. It has proved to be one of the most versatile and useful products. But what if we told you, even dogs can benefit from it.

Health problems are common in dogs. They are prone to infestations, infections and allergies. It can be quite upsetting to see them suffer again and again, not to mention the hefty fees you have to pay the vet on each visit.

This is where Apple Cider Vinegar comes into picture. It is a miraculous liquid that can help your dog in many ways. And in today’s video, we will tell you what they are. From using it as a shampoo, tackling itchy skin, dandruff, urinary health to arthritis pain relief and more, watch till the end to learn about all of them.

Clear Paw Infections: Dogs tend to walk on hard uneven surfaces everyday. This may not be the best thing for their paws causing irritation and infections. If you notice your dog is resistant to walk or you can visibly see an infection on their paws, try soaking them in a mixture of 50 percent water and 50 percent apple cider vinegar solution.

That should help clear up the infection and get them back in action in no time. How often do you clean your dog’s paws? Are they prone to infections? Tell us quickly in the comments section below! Clean out their ears: The antibacterial properties of ACV make it a good option to clean out a dog’s ears.

It will help to prevent infection and ward off parasites that are susceptible to the acid present in it. Make a mixture of equal parts distilled water and ACV. Soak cotton balls in the mixture. Swab your dog’s ears, going in only as far as you can see, until the cotton balls come out clean.

Dry the ear with a clean cotton pad or cotton ball, as damp ears are associated with ear irritation and infections. Prior to using apple cider vinegar to clean your dog’s ears, it is important to make sure that the inside of the ear is not raw.

ACV’s astringent properties may sting their ears or cause the delicate skin of the ear canal to dry out. Tackle Itchy Skin: ACV helps to soothe and relieve rashes caused by a yeast infection, helping to prevent its spread.

The natural acid helps to eliminate dead skin cells, exposing new and healthy ones. Combine 2 to 3 tablespoons of ACV to 1 quart of water to make a post-bath rinse. Bathe your dog as usual. After thoroughly rinsing the shampoo from their coat, pour the ACV mixture over them, carefully avoiding his eyes.

Do not rinse; towel dry your dog until damp and then let dry naturally. Another option is misting diluted or undiluted ACV on your pup’s fur immediately before brushing to help give his coat a beautiful, healthy shine.

Relieve Hot Spots: Almost anything that causes skin irritation or itchiness can result in a hot spot. Once started, the skin only gets itchier, and unfortunately scratching further aggravates hot spots.

Apple cider vinegar not only addresses many of the root causes of hot spots, but also helps relieve general skin irritation and itchiness. Mix one part purified water with one part ACV, then soak a cotton bowl with this solution and use it to dab the affected area.

Reapply daily or as needed until the problem improves. However, never use this method on open wounds or raw skin, as ACV could cause pain in these areas. Dandruff: Nothing distracts from a shiny, healthy coat like doggy dandruff.

Plus, dandruff means they also have itchy skin—and that’s no fun. A topical application of apple cider vinegar can lessen or temporarily eliminate dandruff. By combating itchy, dry skin, it can also help prevent it from returning.

Mix a solution of 50/50 apple cider vinegar and water. After bathing your dog as normal, apply this solution to their fur using a spray bottle. Then, massage the spray into their coat using your hands.

Do not spray on or near their face. Instead use your hands to apply the solution to these sensitive areas. Digestive Support: Digestion is the foundation of your pet’s health. Poorly digested or absorbed nutrients can lead to many health issues, including skin and coat problems.

Feeding a small amount of apple cider vinegar will aid in the digestion process, and help to deliver better nutrition throughout their body. Vinegar is acidic, so when fed with meals, it helps to break down large food molecules into their core nutrients.

Small amounts of vinegar will not harm the helpful gut bacteria or enzymes that their bodies produce during digestion. Insect Repellent: Apple cider vinegar can be used as a natural way to repel fleas, ticks and biting flies.

Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar and 1 part filtered water into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture directly onto the dog’s coat before going outside. Fleas hate the acidity of the ACV and will jump straight off of their body.

Tear Stains: Very common in small dogs and dogs with shorter snouts, tear stains can be annoying and unsightly. Bacteria excreted through the tear ducts can lead to staining of the fur if the face is not cleaned daily.

Adding apple cider vinegar to your dog’s water will lower their pH, and prevent excessive tear staining. This won’t stop tears, as some breeds are prone to it. But daily grooming combined with ACV will keep the stains at bay.

Urinary Health: Urinary tract infections are unpleasant and can be quite painful for your dog if not treated quickly. Apple cider vinegar can help to neutralize the bacteria that have populated in their urinary tract.

It also slightly acidifies the urine. Alkaline environments allow bacteria to multiply, which can lead to infections, crystals, and even stones if left untreated. Encourage your dog to drink more to prevent bacteria from adhering to the lining of their bladder.

Instead of adding apple cider vinegar to their water, which may discourage drinking, add it to a strong flavored food that will mask the vinegar taste. Better Dental Health: Research continues to suggest the benefits of apple cider vinegar when it comes to preventing tooth decay.

It is believed that the acidity levels in ACV help to break down plaque and remove tartar on your dog’s teeth. By adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to their food or drinking water, you can help maintain their dental health.

ACV is a great addition but should not be the only way that you keep their teeth free of plaque and tartar. We recommend brushing their teeth regularly and keeping a watchful eye on any changes you may find in their mouth.

Shampoo: This magic product can even be used as a dog’s shampoo. Combine apple cider vinegar, pet shampoo, and water and apply liberally on the dog’s coat. The ACV will help condition and remove bacteria that can live on their skin.

This will help the healing process of any cuts or abrasions they may have suffered. Cure Dog Mange: An irritating condition of the skin with hair loss and unsightly scabs, mange can seem like a curse.

Stand your dog in a tub, sink, or any place with drainage so that making a wet mess is not a problem. You need to do this ritual daily. Pour undiluted apple cider vinegar over your dog’s body parts affected by mange.

Don’t rinse. Just pat off the excess lightly, and let it dry naturally. Did you know that there are certain things that may be harming your dog even without you knowing it? To find out what they are, watch this video titled “6 Things You Didn’t Realize Are Killing Your Dog” Now back to the best ways to use apple cider vinegar for dogs.

Anti Tick Sponge Bath: Bathe your dog as usual, rinsing his coat and applying an ACV mixture while he’s still wet. Combine one part water to one part ACV in a medium bucket or container. Dampen and squeeze out a large sponge, then dunk the sponge in the ACV mixture to absorb the fluid.

Sponge the mixture on their coat, dunking the sponge as needed to absorb more of the mixture. Make sure the coat is soaked all the way to his skin, then allow the fur to air-dry. Arthritis Pain Relief: Applying warm ACV to the dog’s joints can help alleviate arthritis pain.

Adding ACV to their food or water can help break down calcium deposits that form around older dog’s joints. Use the recommended dose of 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of ACV per 50 pounds of body weight.

Add the dose of ACV to their food or water twice per week. Continue to use until the joints become less painful and more flexible. Have plain drinking water available as an alternative if adding ACV to water. Apply the compress directly to the dog’s joints.

Dogs may drink less water if ACV is added, and having plain water available reduces the possibility of dehydration. You can also warm a small portion of undiluted ACV in the microwave. Soak a compress or folded washcloth in the mixture until saturated.

Apple cider vinegar uses for dog home remedy

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